Outcomes from Phase I lung cancer brain and liver metastasis clinical trial
Outcomes from Phase 1 trial on solid tumours (South Korea)
Phase I clinical trial on solid tumor patients(South Korea)
Phase I clinical trial to evaluate the safety and tolerability of oral Kominox (Kml001) as monotherapy in refractory or recurrent solid tumor patients
Safety assessment of 4 weeks monotherapy
Determination of maximum tolerated dose and recommended dose of Kml001 in monotherapy
Dosage Regimes
4 weeks of therapy, 1 week off cycle
Stage Dose (mg) No. of participants Median exposure (weeks) Dose limiting Toxicity (DLT)
1 5 4 6 -
2 7.5 3 5.6 -
3 10 7 5.6 -
4 12.5 3 6.7 -
5 15 6 3.7 -
Results and Conclusions
Established safety for 4 weeks monotherapy
Excellent tolerability observed
Confirmed maximum tolerated dose and recommended therapeutic dose of Kml001 for Phase Ⅱ clinical trials
Outcomes from Phase 1 trial on prostate cancer (Germany)
Phase I clinical trial on prostate cancer patients (Germany)
Phase I Clinical Trial for the Evaluation of safety and Efficacy of Kominox (Kml001) in patients with Progressive, Hormone-Resistant Prostate Cancer
35 patients with advanced hormonal refractory prostate cancer (mean age = 73 years [59-84])
Dosage regime
2.5mg – 20mg, 14 days of therapy and 28 days off cycle
Clinical trial outcomes
1: Determining maximum tolerated dose and toxicity profile
2: Assessment of efficacy, patient quality of life and pharmacokinetics
Results and Conclusions
Excellent tolerability: No dose limiting toxicity (DLT) observed. 4 participants experienced temporary increase in GOT/GPT by 1-2.
At least 10% of participants reported no adverse effects to Kml001 during clinical trial (such as heart rate disturbance (QT/QTc), fatigue, fever, edema, chest pain, anxiety, depression)
Disease control rate (CR+PR+SD): 66%
Overall Patient (35) Response Rate to Kominox (RECIST)
Total number of patients with and Without bone metastases 35(100%)
Patients with Partial Response (PR) 18(51%)
Patients with Stable Disease (SD) 3(9%)
Patients with Complete Response (CR) 2(6%)
Patients with Progressive Disease (PD) 12(34%)
Bone Metastasis Patient (7) Respones Rate to Kominox (RECIST)
Total patients with Bone metastases 7(100%)
Bone metastases Patients with Partial Response (PR) 6(86%)
Bone metastases Patients with Stable Disease (SD) 0
Bone metastases Patients with Complete Response (CR) 0
Bone metastases Patients with Progressive Disease (PD) 1(14%)
Phase Ⅱ Clinical trial outcomes (South Korea)
Phase Ⅱ Clinical Trial on Prostate Cancer (South Korea)
Phase 2 clinical trial of kml001 (KOMINOX) in prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis
No.of Participants
13 (Mean age : 66.9, Mean weight : 70.3kg)
Dosage Regime
17.5mg, 14 days therapy, 7 days off cycle
Clinical trial outcomes
1: PSA response (decline of at least 50% from baseline) - an indication of no evidense of disease progression
2: PSA progression (defined by PSA increase greater than 20% from baseline) - an indication of overall patient servival rate
Result and Conclusions
PSA response rate of 50% observed in 4 patients / PSA progression of 30% observed in 4 patients
Phase Ⅱ Clinical trial on Hepatic Cancer (South Korea)
A comparative, open-label, multicenter phase Ⅱ clinical trial on the efficacy and safety of Kominox (Kml001) as monotherapy in patients with metastatic or locally advanced liver cancer unresponsive to chemotherapy.
4주 단독요법의 안전성 평가
Assessment of Time to Tumor Progression (TTP) and adverse reations to metermine efficacy and safety of Kominox in 4 weeks of monotherapy
Dosage Regime
4주 투약 + 1주 휴약
4 weeks therapy, 1 week off cycle / 5 cycle in total, dependent on tolerability
Progress status(Sep 2015)
100% patients completed the trial. / 36.0% disease control rate
Treatment outcomes in patients administered Kominox as emergency medicine (South Korea) South Korea's Emergency Medicine Special Access Scheme

Under the relevant laws that govern the emergency use of medicines currently in clinical trials and/or not yet registered for consumer use [Article 12 of Guideline for Approval of Clinical Trial Plans for Pharmaceutical Products]
"... for intended use under the supervision of a physician and with consent of the patient, the following information must be submitted to the KFDA for approval:"

  • Summary data on patient's medical records and doctor's findings
  • Medical statement certificate from doctor
  • Patient's Agreement
  • Letter of intent to supply from developer
Patient outcomes are categorized as

Steady Disease(SD) / Partial Response(PR) / Complete Response(CR) / Progressive Disease(PD).

Bile Duct Cancer : 5 patients (SD)
Lymphoma : 3 patients (PR)
Sarcoma : 1 patient (SD)
Pancreatic cancer : 1 patient (SD)
Multiple myeloma : 3 patients (SD),(PR),(CR)
Metastatic lung cancer : 1 patient (CR)